Soldier Grouping Problem
A Chinese emperor orders a regiment of soldiers in his palace to divide into groups of $ 4 $. They do so successfully. He then orders them to divide into groups of $ 3 $, upon which $ 2 $ of them are left without a group. He then orders them to divide into groups of $ 11 $, upon which $ 5 $ are left without a group. If the emperor estimates there are about two hundred soldiers in the regiment, what is the most likely number of soldiers in the regiment?
- 1
- 2
- 3
- +
- 4
- 5
- 6
- -
- 7
- 8
- 9
- $\frac{a}{b}$
- .
- 0
- =
- %
- $a^n$
- $a^{\circ}$
- $a_n$
- $\sqrt{}$
- $\sqrt[n]{}$
- $\pi$
- $\ln{}$
- $\log$
- $\theta$
- $\sin{}$
- $\cos{}$
- $\tan{}$
- $($
- $)$
- $[$
- $]$
- $\cap$
- $\cup$
- $,$
- $\infty$